How a Kuehn Pewter Article is created
It is a long way from an idea to its finished product. The following text will show you most important steps so that you know how much hand craft there is in every little pewter figure.
1. The concept

The idea is the beginning of creative things. Someone has an idea which he thinks will interest other people. Often it is also one of our customers or it is the latest trend that inspires us. The designer begins with paper and pencil, attempting to visualize the “concept”. The initial sketches often end up in the paper basket. Finally a feasible drawing is rendered, and a blueprint is prepared for the form maker.
2. First Model
According to the selected draft a positive first model is made from which the negative form will be taken. This positive procedure is used most of the time today. It allows the producing of further forms from the same first model as moulds become quickly undefined, and therefore unusable.
3. Pouring

Normally the mould consists of two halves which fit together with precision. The pewter, heated to approximately 300 degrees Celsius, is then poured carefully with a ladle into the form. Depending upon the particular motif to be created, either a slow or a fast pouring of the liquid is essential. The temperature of the liquid must also be exact.
After the ore has cooled, the mould is separated and the faultless articles are removed. Afterwards they are shaped, cleaned, filed smooth and then immersed in a bath of weak acid. The correct shape is then obtained through various polishings in numerous different stages.
4. The painting

Now the painting follows. This is done purely by hand. No technical or mechanical means are used. Each piece is painted using the finest brushes. Each painter has over thirty colours, and he may create numerous other tones by mixing two or more colours together.
This work requires patience, a steady hand, good eyes and sometimes a magnifying glass! To fully appreciate a pewter ornament or figure, inspect it carefully. Just estimate the required time for painting one article and you will see it in a different light in the future.
5. The used material

Our products are manufactured from 93 % pewter (tin) according to DIN EN 611-1, a high quality metal which is even allowed for use in the construction of food containers. The other 7 % of our products is made from copper and antimony. These metals are alloyed to harden the soft pewter. Only like this it is usable.
But quality and safety are not free. Please consider this point carefully, especially in the case that a “pewter figurine” should cross your path which actually is not what it claims to be.
You see, every little pewter figurine, is a handmade gem for your collection or a valuable present for the loved one!
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